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Informationstag Brustkrebs des Mammazentrum Hamburg, HanseMerkur Versicherung, Hamburg, 12.2.2017  | © (c) Martin Zitzlaff, Lehmweg 55, 20251 Hamburg, Germany, Tel. +491711940261,,, Postbank Hamburg, IBAN: DE23 2001002000 10204204, BIC: PBNKDEFF, MwSt. 7%, Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar (MFM) und Belegexemplar, mit Namensnennung] [#0,26,121#]

Breast Center Hamburg International

Unlike general hospitals the Breast Center Hamburg (BCH) at the Jerusalem Hospital specializes exclusively in treatment and research of female and male breast. Founded in 1996 the BCH is run by a team of multidisciplinary specialists, providing comprehensive care, including the most advanced treatment approaches, e.g. intraoperative radiotherapy. The BCH  has now become Germany´s leading Institution in diagnosis (over 50 000 mammographies rendered annually) and treatment (over 900 surgical cases per year) of breast cancer.

We offer medical and surgical consultations (including plastic and reconstructive surgery) and specialist consultation for mammography, magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (MRI) breast ultrasonography and minimally invasive biopsies. Around our surgical unit we arrange psycho-oncological and genetic counselling, chemotherapy including counselling on integrative Oncology (TCM) and radiation therapy.

Our Doctors, breastnurses and physiotherapists at the hospital are committed entirely to supporting breast cancer patients physically and emontionally. By our regular multidisciplinary cancer conference all decisions regarding individual treatment strategies will be made at the BCH.

The Jerusalem Hospital in located in the heart of Hamburg, close to the Alster and the main railway station and it takes only 25 min by Taxi from the Airport. The hospital also can be reached easily from the Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel airport or the railway station by buses or rapid transit (metro) systems. Directly opposite the Hospital the YoHo Hotel offers reasonable opportunity to stay for partners and relatives.

Krankenhaus Jerusalem
Moorkamp 2–6
20357 Hamburg
Telefon 040-44 190-0
Telefax 040-410 69 73

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